Case 6: White Goddess
Keaton arrives by boat to the Scilly Isles in Great Britain
and is on his way to visit the Tomb of Guinevere. After getting some directions from a kindly
old woman, Keaton marvels at the sturdy stone road leading up to the tomb. This road was made by the Romans which if you
know your history shouldn’t surprise you.
The Roman Empire spread so far and wide that they reached both the West
and Eastern hemispheres, and if memory serves there are notable walls built by
the Romans in both Britain
and Scotland (Hadrian’s Wall
is in Britain). Before he leaves Keaton is handed an apron by
the woman doing her laundry. She only
cryptically tells him that he’ll need it and shoos him on his way.
As Keaton makes his way up the road to the Tomb of Guinevere
we see just what advancements progress has brought to the Scilly Isles. Bulldozers have crashed right through the
ancient Roman road and knocked over gigantic monoliths without a second though. As Keaton ambles up to the Tomb admiring the
scenery a gun is aimed right at him.
Keaton dodges a few warning shots and quickly remembers the apron the
old woman gave him earlier.
We see that the person shooting at Keaton is a woman named
Professor Anna Plummer. Keaton has been
sent by Lloyds of London to evaluate the ruins she has discovered. Anna is incredibly surprised to see Keaton
and we find out the two are old friends from Oxford who took the Archaeology program
Anna is fighting desperately to protect the Tomb from
bulldozers and other threats of progress.
She believes it is the last resting place of Queen Guinevere but Keaton
disagrees, saying he thinks it’s an antechamber. Apparently the owner of this small island,
Lord Langley, refused to let even an expert excavation team from Oxford look at the
Tomb. But after months of meeting with
him Langley
agreed to let Anna excavate the Tomb herself for study. However unfortunately Lord Langley died about
a month ago and his ne’er-do-well son has taken to destroying the island’s
landmarks to make way for tourist attractions and casinos. Keaton offers to go back to Lloyds to make
his report after hearing what exactly is going on but Anna tells him that by
tomorrow morning the entire hillside will be completely leveled to make way for
a major roadway.
Anna quickly changes the subject and asks if the rumors she’s
heard from friends are true: that Keaton
really got divorced. Keaton seems really
embarrassed by this (whether it’s because Anna is asking this or just the fact
that his old college friends seem to keep rumors running about him we aren’t
told) and Anna asks why Keaton let his wife walk all over him. In college Keaton was known for his boldness
and intelligence but also for his indecisiveness. Keaton sort of brushes this comment off and
says he simply isn’t a brave person like Anna or John Wayne (he earlier
remarked she was like a cavalryman or cowboy protecting Fort Apache). This interaction gives us a glimpse again
into Keaton’s past. His college
associates knew of his incredible intelligence and bravery (we’ll find out more
on that latter bit in one of the last episodes of the series, right before the
OVAs kick in) but they also know about Keaton’s divorce. Since Keaton divorced his wife when Yuriko
was five that would have been around the time he had started working with
Daniel at Lloyds of London. How exactly
did his college friends find out about his divorce? Did his wife tell them? Did they see her with other men or here
gossip about her? We never find out how
they come by this knowledge but it would have been an interesting thing to find
out. It also makes me incredibly curious
as to whether any of his college friends know anything about Keaton’s service
record. Nothings every stated to say any
of them ever find out about his time in the military and I have a feeling they’d
all either be incredibly shocked to find out about it (and what Keaton can do)
or they’d be disappointed a man of his intellect would ever do anything so “destructive.”
Anyway…back to plot…as Keaton and Anna are enjoying a good
chuckle together the sound of treads on stone alert them to the arrival of Lord
Edward Langley, the son Anna spoke of earlier.
Edward is turning the area the Tomb is located at into a racetrack for
motorcycles. He hopes the extreme sports
will attract droves of tourists. Edward
isn’t worried about preserving historical locations and ancient burial grounds,
he simply wants to create a nice tidy profit and line his pockets with more
money. Edward has even gone so far as
intercepting letters Anna has written to his Mother. Edward gives us a little sexist speech about
how women are happiest when they know their places, stating that Anna should
obey men instead of fighting them and find a ‘suitable’ husband while she’s
still young. He leaves with the warning
that construction will commence tomorrow and that he expects no protests or
rifles (Anna had been loading the rifle with rock salt instead of bullets but
only Keaton knows that).
Anna requests Keaton’s help to try and learn as much about
the tomb as she can before tomorrow morning.
She relates a brief history of the island, that centuries ago women here
were the ruling body, not men, and that they were even the ones whom inherited
property. Some scholars even go so far
as to believe that this island is in fact the island of the Amazons referred to
in Greek mythology.
As Keaton and Anna try and clean up the mural on the wall to
the Holy Room of the temple
Keaton turns Anna’s
earlier relationship question on his head.
According to his ex-wife, the guys in college used to all go nuts over
Anna but she never showed any interest.
Anna states she barely even noticed men going after her, and when Keaton
brings up someone in particular she states that she’s has always been after #1. Keaton says she is an incredibly ambitious
woman but Anna says her mother was even more ambitious; going from working part
time in a launderette to owning her own boutique. When Keaton asks how her mother is doing
nowadays Anna admits that she died almost two years ago. Keaton apologizes and Anna goes on to relate
about how her mother would tell her all about her life in Czechoslovakia. Apparently when Anna’s mother was just eleven
years old she defeated a Nazi tank all by herself. Anna states that even her mother couldn’t
stop the bulldozers from destroying the mural in the morning.
A figure enters the tomb behind them and we are introduced
to Lady Langley. She apologizes to Anna
for the trouble her son has caused and states that even though she isn’t sure
he’s making the right decision to benefit the island’s population and wealth
she isn’t in any sort of position to stop him either. Lady Langley hopes her ancestors would
understand that they are trying to make the island and its people more
prosperous but Keaton intervenes, stating that this ruin and a majority of the
others scattered throughout Europe, were built by an unknown civilization that
Archaeology simply doesn’t have an understand of at this time. Anna says that even if she could prove her
theory of the White Goddess being the ancient Stone Age European civilization
that built all these mysterious ruins in Europe
she doubts Edward would stop his bulldozers.
Anna vows to do all she can tonight to uncover as much of the mural as
possible, and to hopefully add more information and images to her thesis.
Lady Langley asks why Anna insists on doing a ‘Man’s Job ™’
when she’s such a beautiful young woman.
Keaton isn’t quite sure what he should say to this (I doubt Keaton would
call out Lady Langley on her statement, it’s just that Langley is a very well
off woman that was more than likely raised with specific gender roles.) but
Anna states it is her mother’s will. We
then are treated to a flashback of Anna’s mother telling her daughter about how
she defeated a Nazi tank with her own too hands. Anna’s grandparents were killed in WWII when
her mother was 11 and she fought for three years against the Nazi’s before
defecting to England
on her own. She was without means until
she turned 20 and married Anna’s father.
Sadly shortly after Anna was born her father had an accident that took
his life and Anna’s mother worked tirelessly to provide for both of them and
even though they weren’t very well off she saved enough money to send Anna to
college. Two years ago Anna’s mother
became mysteriously ill and the doctors gave her a morphine injection to try
and ease the pain. Before her mother
slipped into a coma and then passed away, she told Anna that she had no regrets
and that she had done everything she had wanted to do in her life, and that
above all else it would make her happy if Anna did the same as “That is what
makes a woman beautiful.”
Keaton prepares an air canister and attaches a nozzle to it,
blowing away a majority of the dirt covering the mural they had been working so
hard to clean with brushes. The mural is
finally revealed, and it is indeed a picture of the White Goddess. Lady Langley leaves having heard Anna’s story
and seen evidence for herself, and Keaton returns to see Anna taking dutiful
notes of her discovery; sure that in the morning nothing will remain standing. Keaton, trying to lift Anna’s spirits, says
that they should reenact what Anna’s mother had done during the war and fight
back against the bulldozers. Anna starts
to say her mother made up that story but Keaton interjects, telling her it’s
worth a try. This little moment is
another reason I believe Keaton’s college friends have no idea about his
military background or years of service.
If they did they’d certainly know that Keaton has an idea of what he’s
talking about.
The next morning Keaton approaches the old woman from the
day before and returns the apron he borrowed the day before and also asks her
for another favor. As the bulldozers
approach the Tomb, Keaton and Anna stand at the ready armed with…metal wash
tubs? Edward is furious that Anna has
dared to stand in his way and demands she remove herself from his
property. Anna and Keaton ignore him and
Anna wonders what they can do against bulldozers armed only with metal wash
tubs filled with regular old soap and water.
Keaton reveals that Anna’s mother wasn’t just telling stories about her
youth, but that this technique is actually one used by the Czech Republic
to outwit the Nazis. The soap and water
reacts with the treads of tanks, or in this case the bulldozers, and makes them
slip on any rocky surface like roads. The
machines lose traction and spin out putting the bulldozers out of commission but
leaving Edward a chance to threaten Anna with a pickaxe. Out of nowhere Lady Langley appears and gives
her bratty son a good swift slap in the face, making him drop his pickaxe as
Lady Langley declares the battle lost.
Keaton expounds a little on the White Goddess theory, stating
that there was no gap between rich or poor and all of society was ruled by a
woman. It’s possible the White Goddess
was a symbol of fertility, death, or regeneration, but whatever she was the
fact that her effigy was found in a century’s old Tomb means that this place
once had people living in it that believed in the ideals she represented. Keaton tells Anna that he will write up his
report to Lloyds, and Anna says she’ll be counting on him but that if Edward
comes back she’ll fight him again. Anna
tells Keaton as he leaves that he has become a great man over the years, and
that he is the greatest man she’s ever met.
Keaton says that John Wayne has nothing on her as Anna simply smiles and
says that determination and strength are what make a woman beautiful after all.
So how was this episode?
Over all a very good one, a little more about Keaton’s past is revealed
but we also meet one of his friends from his college days. Anna is a likeable and strong character, we
know straight away that she’ll fight for what she wants and believes in but at
the same time she also knows that there is only so much she can do against
things like laws and regulations. It’s
only when Keaton arrives and keeps pushing her and providing encouragement that
she understands the truth behind her mother’s will that she instilled in her.
When I first watched this episode way back when I always got
the feeling that Anna may have liked Keaton when they were in school together
but was too busy with her studies, never found the right time or way to tell
him, or he was simply too utterly devoted to his wife (or girlfriend, we don’t
know what stage their relationship was in when Keaton and Anna went to Oxford)
to ever tell him. Considering that Anna
states that she would only go after a #1 man and yet at the end of the episode
calls Keaton essentially that, it’s easy to put two and two together and devise
that yeah…Anna may hold a certain romantic inkling or fondness for Keaton that
she won’t admit strictly face to face. I
personally think they’d make a great couple, but I don’t know how Yuriko would
feel about that, though I have a feeling she and Anna would get along well.
Edward Langley is a rather pompous spoiled rich boy, pretty
typical of guys getting his way with rich parents. I’ve heard a lot of people cry that this
episode is a great love letter to feminism and feminist rights and I just…oy…just
no, just…stop right there and you won’t have to get my rant on feminism. Back on topic though, even if Edward is
tearing down ruins his logic on bringing in tourism isn’t exactly
unfounded. Racing and other things like
casinos and such would indeed bring in tourists and their money. Increased revenue, and word of mouth at the
beautiful landscapes, would mean that more additions could be added and thus
money would continue to grow. This sharp
jump in visitors would mean more money could be spent on the island, meaning
that the public could possibly have a better way of life. I say possibly because how Edward states it
and how he does it would probably be two very different things. Edward seems like the type of guy that would
say he’d give most of the money to the people who live on the island but would
in fact take a majority of the funds earned for himself and his estate. He’d line his own pockets but make sure
people directly in tourist’s lines of sight would be well off, thereby leaving
the rest of the island to fend for themselves.
Considering Edward’s world view on women though it’s
surprising to see Lady Langley carries a fairly similar belief, just not as
rudely worded. I’ve always surmised she
believes this way because she more than likely comes from a very old, very well
off family that probably preached traditional values and ways of life. She more than likely passed these teachings
onto her son, he just took them too far to root, or at least he spouts them
more bitterly than his mother does. I
would have been interesting in finding out just a tad more about Lord Langley
though. He wouldn’t let anyone excavate
the ruins, so that must mean he cared either about the land, the historical
nature of them, or his ancestors. Would
he have held a similar world view on women’s roles that his wife and son do or
would he have been fully open to the ideals based around the White Goddess?
Next time Keaton takes a bit of a vacation at the insistence
of his daughter Yuriko to his childhood Summer home in Japan. There he and his father Taihei end up stuck
in a world of memory, reminiscing on days long gone by and the tastes, sounds,
and smells of yesteryear in Case 7!
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